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Monday, March 26th: Can We Talk? Healthy Relationships
Relationship CAN WE TALK Flyer_forCommEmail.jpgCAN WE TALK? Healthy Relationships

Teaching Our Kids About Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships

 Did you know that approximately one in three teens have been the victim of physical, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner?

 During this month’s Can We Talk, we will provide information and skills to help you talk to your kids about healthy relationships, warning signs, and assertive communication.

We’ll also review information and activities shared with OSHS students about abuse prevention and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

 Day: Monday, March 26
Time: 6:45-8pm
Location: OSYFS
Donation: $5/person
Who: Open to All Shoreline Parents & Guardians.
Registration: Space is Limited. Please Call to Register: 860-395-3190